Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Sweet “Preserves” Card and the FREE Cutting and Sketching file for YOU!

Its about time I made something for YOU!  If you have an opportunity to read back over my previous post you will see I created a set of “Preserve Posies” - matching flowers and labels which dress up canning and jam jars.  I needed to provide instructions on how they assemble so I “drew” the jars and flowers in a graphics program. 

I figured since I’ve done all this work I might as well make it multi-purpose so I turned it into an SVG format as well as png and brought it into my Silhouette Studio software and did some tweaking and created the files which you can use to make the jar like on this darling card:


You cannot really tell here but the lid background is a shimmery copper color and looks very attractive.  I’ve included the outline (black part), the “jam” part, the lid and then I added the SWEET word art - I actually included that right in with the “jam” - so you can ungroup them if you wish and hide the outside cut while you have your Silhouette “sketch” the wording.  I then took a blue shimmery pen which matches the background paper and filled it in with color. 

So I hope you enjoy the cutting files and png’s (great for “digital stamps”) for your projects.   These are for your personal use.  If you would like to use them for commercial projects you need to email me for permission.  Please don’t share out my files directly but have your friends come here to download them via this post.  Just click the following link to grab the zipped folder:  Barb Derksen’s Mason Jar Cut File

And before I forget - I would ♥ to see what you make using my files?  Why not leave me a comment when you do and I’ll feature your project here. 

I thought I’d also toss out a couple of photos of nature I’ve been seeing outdoors lately.



The ponderosa just outside my window is blossoming?  Seems all of a sudden these bold sets of cone babies or whatever the proper term might be are studding the entire tree.  Some squirrel is going to be pretty happy about this.

And a little encouragement:


There is only one thing about which I shall have no regrets when my life ends.

I have savored to the full all the small, daily joys.

The bright sunshine on the breakfast table;

The smell of the air at dusk;

The sound of the clock ticking;

The light rains that start gently after midnight;

the hour when the family come home;

Sunday-evening tea before the fire!

I have never missed one moment of beauty,

not ever taken it for granted.

Spring, summer, autumn or winter.

I wish I had failed as little in other ways.

~Agnes Sligh Turnbull


And a picture with a question:


This mushroom is up a tree nearby - do you know what type it might be? Confused smile


  1. This is such a cute file, Barb! Thanks so much! I'll be sure to let you know when I use it, but your card is adorable. :)

  2. Hi Sis, your card is very 'sweet' heheh. That copper paper looks familar.. been scrap bin diving have you :). Love the colour and designer paper combination.

  3. Thank you for sharing this file , I know I will be able to find a use for this on a card!

  4. hee hee don't fall over ok... it's long lost meeee- HAHAHAHAHAHA. Just popped in to say Hi and landed up reading past my bedtime ;-P
    LOVE the couch ( the colour is shweeeeet!)..and your preserve pretties- what a fantastic idea Barb and they are gorgeous! The suit, OH MY GOSH... seriously only $3? Girl with that look you look like you walked out a boutique- seriously stunning..

    Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you..
    HUGS and much love

  5. I've been making strawberry jam recently. Thanks for this sweet file!

  6. Good morning Barb:)
    I LOVE your card and THANK YOU soo much for sharing the cutting files with me.:) idea about your mushroom.:)I tried to find one like it on yahoo images.They don't know either.LOL

    Happy Mother's Day tomorrow.:)

    Love and hugs,

  7. I don't know the name of that mushroom but it sure looks like a mouse has crept up from underneath and is taking a nibble ... I know, it is only the stem.

  8. thanks for all the wonderful files! You are very talented!


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