Friday, June 09, 2006


I've created a boy-type element today as it occured to me I tend to make 'stuff' for girls more often. Do you have any ideas for more boy/make oriented elements you might like me to try? Please leave me a comment or email me at
I thank you all for your encouraging comments - knowing you've taken the time to leave one is probably like a waitress getting tips, at the end of the day I count them up and delight in posting each one. You are much appreciated!
Yesterday was *kak* I mean, I had to make a whole new word for my experiences yesterday. It seemed like everything I did crumbled, broke or was miscommunicated. I was a bundle of angst by afternoon. Even Blogger was down until after dinner hour, and I had Judy on the edge of her seat awaiting the launch of her Flamingo Kit. Poor thing!
However, my dear husband nailed it for me later on. After I 'unloaded' on him and he soothed me with soft words and calm rationality...he asked me if I had given my day to the Lord. It did not take me two seconds to realize he had it! I was in SUCH a rush yesterday morning - that I forgot to do the most important thing - to ask God to take control for me...there I go trying to drive instead of being chauffered again *sigh* I do 'talk' to the Lord, throughout the day... but I had not given Him my full undivided prayer, some quiet time before the world gets me. No wonder I was 'off' I even was gruffer than usual with Miles, and he certainly did not deserve it, after all if it were a girlfriend calling me to talk about it I know I would discuss it with humour and be nicer. Funny how that works. We take advantage of our mate who chose to stand by us through the storms, yet we are harder on them than anyone.
It takes a consious decision to react lovingly to our spouses, yet it can be very powerful. Do you think you can train yourself after a while? After I caught myself, after my sweetie recognized I caught myself (trust me, they DO notice when you act out of character) and we prayed, my day vastly improved.
A gentle answer turns away wrath,
but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Something about my entry causes me to encourage you to take a moment to read an article from Christian Women Online, by Darlene Schacht. It brought it home to me about how we can be blinded by our busyness, to not see how our Father is working in the background. How we may think we are in control, but how He really is. The article is called Andy The Handy Man and you can find it HERE.
No More New Sandal Owies!

First off, I have not tried this myself, and secondly I cannot give you the science behind this hint because I cannot locate the magazine where I found it. I think it is a valuable tip though, so I will share it with you. Please let me know if you try it before me. If you buy a pair of leather sandals, dab lightly the inside of the strap with rubbing alcohol. It said the alcohol reacts in some way with the leather to stretch it gently.


  1. So cool! Thanks a bunch.. as mom of two boys... I know it's tough to come across boys elements! Even myself.. I find myself leaning towards girl stuff.....

  2. AnonymousJune 09, 2006

    Hang in there, Sweetie! We all get those days where nothing seems to go right. When I get them, I just sit quietly for a few moments, close my eyes, take a deep breath and keep saying, "This too shall pass" and it always does. We live in a time where we think everything has to be done "right now!!" but what happenes when it can't be done right now? Usually nothing. It all gets done eventually and no-one is the worse for it not getting done immediately. I think this is Gods way of making us take a little time out of our day to think about what is really important in our lives. There's an old saying, "Dont sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff." We need to be reminded of that every so often.

    OK, off my mound, lol! If and when you have a chance, my grandson is enamoured with frogs and I'd love to have some cute little croakers to add to his pages but it sure doesn't have to be "right now" :)
    Hope you're having a better day today and I love your sisters flamingo kit! :)


  3. AnonymousJune 09, 2006

    The ant is so perfect for boys. Thanks for your talented work.


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